Sunday, August 3, 2014

Plans and Preparations

I know it's been a few weeks since I last posted, but things have been moving closer and closer to being ready for my new kindergarten friends joining me in our new classroom.  So far I've taken inventory of the little things in my room like the math manipulatives and books as well as storage containers and baskets.  I also had my hubby come in one day and help me arrange furniture in the classroom (Pics will come soon).  Most of the furniture is where I want it, but I may move a few things yet.

The most exciting thing so far is actually starting training/work related stuff.  Friday and Saturday I spent the day with about 30 other kindergarten and first grade teachers learning the ins and outs of our math curriculum: Math Expressions Common Core.
I know it doesn't sound like the most exciting thing to do for 2 days, but it wasn't too bad.  Our instructor was very knowledgeable and fun and she tried to add in some comic relief as often as possible.  Since I was already familiar with the 1st grade version (I taught it during student teaching), it was pretty easy to pick up the foundations of the Kindergarten program.  I also discovered some of the little things included in the book as well as the publisher's website.  I also got to know some of the other kinder and first teachers in our district.

Next on my plate is a lot of sewing: I am making chair pockets for my classroom.  I'm hoping to have them done before my next training on Wednesday.  Starting Thursday I have all my orientation meetings followed by building meetings and teacher work days.  Hopefully I will have classroom pictures for you next week as I finish setting up the room.