Monday, September 8, 2014

And the Craziness Begins

We have officially completed 3 weeks of the school year.  What a ride it's been!  The first day was pretty insane.  I think I accomplished 1/4 of the things I planned that day.  Most of it was spent going over names, routines, procedures, and rules.  At 3 weeks in, I am still having problems remembering a couple of my students' names, but it's getting better.

The first day, most parents came in with their students to help them get settled in their new classroom and put away supplies.  Once the tardy bell rang, however, the PTA invited all kindergarten parents to their "Boo-Hoo/Yahoo Breakfast" and all parents from my classroom quickly headed down and we started into our first day's activities.  From attendance to the Kissing Hand to recess the students were all very attentive.  A few were a little quiet and reserved, but no one cried the first day!  By the end of the day, all students had smiles on their faces and we all were looking forward to the next day!

Since then, it has been a whirlwind of activity.  We have covered colors and started into our math and literacy curriculum.  I'm finally getting my feet under me and finding my stride with planning, teaching, and personal time.

Hopefully, I'll find/make time a little more regularly to update this blog now that things are a little more controlled in my life :)