Monday, September 8, 2014

And the Craziness Begins

We have officially completed 3 weeks of the school year.  What a ride it's been!  The first day was pretty insane.  I think I accomplished 1/4 of the things I planned that day.  Most of it was spent going over names, routines, procedures, and rules.  At 3 weeks in, I am still having problems remembering a couple of my students' names, but it's getting better.

The first day, most parents came in with their students to help them get settled in their new classroom and put away supplies.  Once the tardy bell rang, however, the PTA invited all kindergarten parents to their "Boo-Hoo/Yahoo Breakfast" and all parents from my classroom quickly headed down and we started into our first day's activities.  From attendance to the Kissing Hand to recess the students were all very attentive.  A few were a little quiet and reserved, but no one cried the first day!  By the end of the day, all students had smiles on their faces and we all were looking forward to the next day!

Since then, it has been a whirlwind of activity.  We have covered colors and started into our math and literacy curriculum.  I'm finally getting my feet under me and finding my stride with planning, teaching, and personal time.

Hopefully, I'll find/make time a little more regularly to update this blog now that things are a little more controlled in my life :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Plans and Preparations

I know it's been a few weeks since I last posted, but things have been moving closer and closer to being ready for my new kindergarten friends joining me in our new classroom.  So far I've taken inventory of the little things in my room like the math manipulatives and books as well as storage containers and baskets.  I also had my hubby come in one day and help me arrange furniture in the classroom (Pics will come soon).  Most of the furniture is where I want it, but I may move a few things yet.

The most exciting thing so far is actually starting training/work related stuff.  Friday and Saturday I spent the day with about 30 other kindergarten and first grade teachers learning the ins and outs of our math curriculum: Math Expressions Common Core.
I know it doesn't sound like the most exciting thing to do for 2 days, but it wasn't too bad.  Our instructor was very knowledgeable and fun and she tried to add in some comic relief as often as possible.  Since I was already familiar with the 1st grade version (I taught it during student teaching), it was pretty easy to pick up the foundations of the Kindergarten program.  I also discovered some of the little things included in the book as well as the publisher's website.  I also got to know some of the other kinder and first teachers in our district.

Next on my plate is a lot of sewing: I am making chair pockets for my classroom.  I'm hoping to have them done before my next training on Wednesday.  Starting Thursday I have all my orientation meetings followed by building meetings and teacher work days.  Hopefully I will have classroom pictures for you next week as I finish setting up the room.

Friday, July 18, 2014

And so it begins...

I finally got to see my new room last week, but I could only briefly look in as they were getting ready to wax the floors.  :(  However, my building manager said they would be done and my classroom ready for me by the following Wednesday :)  I texted him Wednesday morning and he said my room was ready and I could come in anytime and start working in it!  YAY!!!  Since they didn't know what I wanted done with the furniture yet, everything was just put into the middle of the room for the time being.

This is what I walked into my room to see.  One wall is a pretty golden yellow while the rest of the room is white.  I have 27 cubbies along the left wall leading up to the sink/drinking fountain area followed by several closets.  Along the far wall I have a regular white board and a Promethean board (which I don't know how to work yet, but I am super excited to learn!).  In the far corner is my desk area and a wall of windows that face our playground.  I will probably have to make some curtains for the bottom of the windows so my friends don't get distracted looking at the playground all day.  Finally in the back corner, I have a HUGE storage closet, 4 student computers, a student bathroom, and a small bulletin board.

For furniture, I have trapezoid tables (I'll put 2 together to make hexagons) instead of desks :) and a nice size small-group table plus a writing center and a kitchen.  I'm not 100% sure what I will be doing with the layout yet, but as things get settled, I will post pictures.

The one thing I have decided on is the theme/color scheme for my classroom: Mickey Mouse!  While I love yellow, too much of it will drive me totally bananas, so I started thinking about what other colors I could add to it to make it a little more fun.  It just so happened my daughter was watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I was thinking through my options and it just clicked!  Each of my tables will be a different character (Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Daisy, Pluto) and the rest of my decorations will be primarily Mickey or red and black.

Well, I guess I had better get back to work!  I have a classroom to arrange!

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Welcome to the first post of my new blog.  I graduated last Christmas with my teaching degree and now I am a brand-new teacher!  After applying for what seems like hundreds of jobs, and interviewing endlessly, I have been offered my first job:  Kindergarten.  It's kind of scary to think I will be responsible for the first educational experience many of these little ones will have, but also super exciting.  I haven't had the opportunity to see my classroom yet, so I have been pinteresting like mad to find ideas for my new class.  So far I have found a TON of awesome blogs and TeachersPayTeachers sellers with amazing ideas and products perfect for my new kinders.

As my year progresses I will be documenting the adventures of my first year (hopefully). Any tips, suggestions, and support are greatly appreciated!!! As soon as I get into my new room, I'll post pictures.  For now, how about an adorable pic of my 4-year-old?  (She is one of the reasons I'm teaching)